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Monday, September 21, 2009

Microsoft Looking to Halt Google’s Acquisition of DoubleClick

As expected, many have come forward with concerns of an impending Google() monopoly with their $3.1 billion cash buyout of DoubleClick (see Google Doubleclick). And Microsoft is heading the rally.

Microsoft contends that Google’s acquisition of DoubleClick will stifle competition on nearly all fronts, and is the very making of a monopoly. Other companies such as AT&T are concerned for the future of their own ad campaigns, considering the old media push for content on the web as the saving grace of their declining status. Other DoubleClick consumers are simply apprehensive about not having a strong alternative to the Google monolith when it comes to Internet advertising, fearing the consequences of a sudden change in Google algorithms or the notorious rampant click fraud that could destroy a business over night.

Needless to say, everyone else, including Microsoft, missed the boat on DoubleClick. It’s safe to say that the main businesses in opposition of Google’s latest (and largest) acquisition would have benefited greatly from purchasing DoubleClick, and stand to lose a great deal once Google gets their hands on it. Should a review of the Google-DoubleClick merger be conducted on antitrust grounds, they will have to consider the ability for any competition to emerge in online advertising markets.

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